Wenyu Han

I am currently a fifth-year Ph.D. student directed by Prof. Chen Feng in AI4CE Lab at New York University. I had an opportinuty to work as a reserch intern at Bosch USA this summer, directed by Dr. Yuliang Guo and Dr. Cheng Zhao. My research interests lie on embodied AI, reinforcement learning, and generative models. I received my M.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering department at Northwestern University and B.S. degree at Department of Engineering Mechanics in Dalian University of Technology.
Currently, I have multiple ongoing projects: 1) 3D vectorized CAD models generation, 2) LLM and semantic mapping for the visual room rearrangement task and 3) LLM for robot navigation. Welcome undergraduate and graduate students who have related background and interests in these research topics to join in. Please reach out to me via Email.
Contact: wenyuhan@nyu.edu
PhD Student in MAE
Sept. 2019 -- NowNew York University, USA
M.S. in Mechanical Engineering
Sept. 2017 -- June 2019Northwestern University, USA
B.S. in Engineering Mechanics
Sept. 2012 -- Jun. 2016Dalian University of Technology, China
Research Interests
- Mobile Object Rearrangement with Learned Localization Uncertainty (Han et al., Under review ICLR 2024).
- Learning Simultaneous Navigation and Construction in Grid Worlds (Han et al., ICLR 2023).
- CityGPT: Generative Transformer for City Layout of Arbitrary Building Shape (Xie et al., Under review ICLR 2024).
- Realcity3D (Han et al., Under review on ISPRS).
- SPARE3D: A Dataset for SPAtial REasoning on Three-View Line Drawings (Han et al., CVPR 2020).
(1) Solving robotic tasks via reinforcement learning.
(2) Vector content generation.
(3) Spatial reasoning.